An Anthology of Cambridge Women’s Verse edited by Margaret Thomas anthology-tp-removebg.png
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An Anthology of Cambridge Women’s Verse edited by Margaret Thomas

Odyssey Calling by Vahni Capildeo
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Odyssey Calling by Vahni Capildeo

Indigenous Species by Khairani Barokka
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Indigenous Species by Khairani Barokka

States of the Body Produced by Love by Nisha Ramayya
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States of the Body Produced by Love by Nisha Ramayya

Spells 21st-Century Occult Poetry by Sarah Shin and Rebecca Tamás
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Spells 21st-Century Occult Poetry by Sarah Shin and Rebecca Tamás

Beckonings by Gwendolyn Brooks TSS-add-products-image-frame.001.jpeg
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Beckonings by Gwendolyn Brooks

American Poetry Now edited by Sylvia Plath
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American Poetry Now edited by Sylvia Plath

An Emily Dickinson Year Book. Edited by Helen H. Arnold. Arnold_DickinsonYearBook_4.png
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An Emily Dickinson Year Book. Edited by Helen H. Arnold.

Poetry 1960: An Appetiser, including Sylvia Plath
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Poetry 1960: An Appetiser, including Sylvia Plath

Elegy On Dead Fashion by Edith Sitwell. sitwell_elegystart.jpg
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Elegy On Dead Fashion by Edith Sitwell.

Sylvia Plath reading her poetry. Audio recoding on vinyl. Plath_recordback-removebg.png
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Sylvia Plath reading her poetry. Audio recoding on vinyl.

Children Coming Home by Gwendolyn Brooks IMG_7786.JPG
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Children Coming Home by Gwendolyn Brooks
