Deephaven by Sarah Orne Jewett

Deephaven by Sarah Orne Jewett

The Country of the Pointed Firs by Sarah Orne Jewett

The Country of the Pointed Firs by Sarah Orne Jewett

The Life of Nancy by Sarah Orne Jewett

The Life of Nancy by Sarah Orne Jewett

Play Days, A Book of Stories for Children by Sarah Orne Jewett
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Play Days, A Book of Stories for Children by Sarah Orne Jewett

A Country Doctor by Sarah Orne Jewett

A Country Doctor by Sarah Orne Jewett

The King of Folly Island and Other People by Sarah Orne Jewett

The King of Folly Island and Other People by Sarah Orne Jewett

Tales of New England by Sarah Orne Jewett SarahOrneJewett_TalesOfNewEngland_Front.png

Tales of New England by Sarah Orne Jewett

Letters of Sarah Orne Jewett by Sarah Orne Jewett lettersinscription.png

Letters of Sarah Orne Jewett by Sarah Orne Jewett

A Native of Winby and Other Tales by Sarah Orne Jewett

A Native of Winby and Other Tales by Sarah Orne Jewett

A Native of Winby and Other Tales by Sarah Orne Jewett

A Native of Winby and Other Tales by Sarah Orne Jewett

The Tory Lover by Sarah Orne Jewett

The Tory Lover by Sarah Orne Jewett

The Tory Lover by Sarah Orne Jewett

The Tory Lover by Sarah Orne Jewett

The Best Stories of Sara Orne Jewett, Volumes I and II. The Mayflower Edition. by Sara Orne Jewett SarahOrneJewett_TheBestStoriesOfSarahOrneJewettOneandTwo_Side.png

The Best Stories of Sara Orne Jewett, Volumes I and II. The Mayflower Edition. by Sara Orne Jewett

Country Byways by Sarah Orne Jewett

Country Byways by Sarah Orne Jewett

The Mate of the Daylight and Friends Ashore by Sarah Orne Jewett

The Mate of the Daylight and Friends Ashore by Sarah Orne Jewett

A White Heron and Other Stories by Sarah Orne Jewett
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A White Heron and Other Stories by Sarah Orne Jewett

Betty Leicester, A Story for Girls by Sarah Orne Jewett

Betty Leicester, A Story for Girls by Sarah Orne Jewett

Old Friends and New by Sarah Orne Jewett

Old Friends and New by Sarah Orne Jewett

Deephaven by Sarah Orne Jewett

Deephaven by Sarah Orne Jewett

Deephaven by Sarah Orne Jewett

Deephaven by Sarah Orne Jewett

The Queen's Twin by Sarah Orne Jewett SarahOrneJewett_TheQueensTwinAndOtherTales_Inside.png

The Queen's Twin by Sarah Orne Jewett

Strangers and Wayfarers by Sarah Orne Jewett

Strangers and Wayfarers by Sarah Orne Jewett

A Marsh Island by Sarah Orne Jewett

A Marsh Island by Sarah Orne Jewett

The Story of the Normans Told Chiefly in Relation to their Conquest of England by Sarah Orne Jewett

The Story of the Normans Told Chiefly in Relation to their Conquest of England by Sarah Orne Jewett

The Country of the Pointed Firs by Sarah Orne Jewett SarahOrneJewett_TheCountryOfThePointedFirs_BeigeandGold_Back.png

The Country of the Pointed Firs by Sarah Orne Jewett

My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante ElenaFerrente_MyBrilliantFriend_signature.png

My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante

Black Lamb & Grey Falcon by Rebecca West RebeccaWest_BlackLamb_GreyFalcon_2_covers.png

Black Lamb & Grey Falcon by Rebecca West

Villette by Currer Bell Bell'sVillette_CurrerBell_Cover.png

Villette by Currer Bell

The Waves by Virginia Woolf TheWaves_VirginiaWoolf_articlededication.png

The Waves by Virginia Woolf

BabaraWhelpton_PaintersProvence_Front.png BabaraWhelpton_PaintersProvence_signature.png

Painters' Provence by Barbara Whelpton
