Directory of Women Writing by Andrea Chesman and Polly Joan

Directory of Women Writing by Andrea Chesman and Polly Joan
Unique review copy of this scarce directory of women writers, a time capsule from the second wave of feminism. Short biographies and statements alongside names and addresses, from Adrienne Rich to lesser known writers. Black and white illustrations, poetry, and mission statements for women’s writing, both personal and general. In 1978 the editors produced the much more widely distributed Guide to Women’s Publishing.
Andrea Chesman and Polly Joan, eds. New York: Women Writing, 1977. First edition, review copy. 91 pages. 28 x 21.5 x .5cm. Illustrated editors’ letter on pink paper laid in. Paperback. Chip developing at bottom of spine. ‘Review copy’ written in neat pen on top right corner of title page. Fewer than 10 copies held in US libraries, none seen in the UK, in very good condition.